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AMAZING!!! I will Remarry When I Find True Love - Tonto Dikeh Talks Estranged Hubby, Being Born-again and More

What is the secret behind your new glow?
Well, firstly I am born again and when you have God, you just radiate. So all the glow is from within; you don’t fake God’s glow. You also can’t fake God’s glory because it overwhelms you. I don’t know how to say what I want to say but when God steps into a situation or your life he elevates you and makes you see things in a different light. So, the glow you see is all God. I am a radical for Christ. 

Do you plan to set up a church or become an evangelist?

Yes I will, before I became an entertainer I was close to becoming an evangelist but I backslid. But not to say anything, I am back with God. I don’t know where God is taking me to. But if it is the pulpit, I am ready.