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Never Ignore These 11 Heart Symptoms

That’s especially true if you are 60 or older, are overweight, or have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, says Vincent Bufalino, MD, an American Heart Association spokesman. "The more risk factors you have," he says, "the more you should be concerned about anything that might be heart-related."

Especially watch out for these problems:

1. Chest Discomfort

It’s the most common sign of heart danger. If you have a blocked artery or are having a heart attack, you may feel pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest.

"Everyone has a different word for that feeling," Chambers says. "Some people say it's like an elephant is sitting on them. Other people say it's like a pinching or burning."
The feeling usually lasts longer than a few minutes. It may happen when you're at rest or when you're doing something physical.

If it's just a very brief pain -- or if it's a spot that hurts more when you touch or push on it -- it's probably not your heart, Chambers says. You should still get it checked out by a doctor. If the symptoms are more severe and don’t go away after a few minutes, you should call 911.

Also, keep in mind you can have heart problems -- even a heart attack -- without chest pain. That’s particularly common among women.