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8 Reasons Your Period Is Late When You're Definitely Not Pregnant 3

4. Your anti-conception medication 
"One of the reactions of a low-estrogen contraception pill is a light or non-existent period," Ross says. "For some, this is an invited reaction." The same goes for strategies like hormonal IUDs, inserts, or shots, since a large number of those don't contain estrogen by any stretch of the imagination. 
In any case, on the off chance that you've quite recently quit taking the pill, at that point take te: Ross says it may take one to three months to come back to your ordinary cycle. All things considered, focus on what your period looks like when it at long last returns. "It might be once you are off the pill you may discover you have a basic hormonal issue that was veiled by taking the anti-conception medication pill," says Ross. In the event that that is the situation for you, at that point it's an ideal opportunity to connect with your ob-gyn.