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11 Celebrities You Never Knew Worship Satan – Number 1 Will Give You A Heartache (With Pictures)

4. Abraham Lincoln

If we have to tell you why Abe is famous then clearly you didn’t exactly ace your history class. The sixteenth President of the United States, he is credited with preserving the union after the Civil War, abolishing slavery and forever changing the world we know today. It’s pretty safe to say that he is one of the greatest if not the very best president of all time despite his life and presidency coming to an early end due to his assassination. Mary Todd Lincoln is mostly famous for being his wife and a former First Lady but she was an indomitable figure herself. Turns out that the Lincolns, one of the best remembered and most respected couples ever, held a séance in the White House, if a 1963 Boston Gazette story is to be believed. If the retelling of the story is, in fact, true, Abe seems to have taken the proceedings with a grain of salt while his wife and others present took the goings on far more seriously. After the president’s passing some stories point to his widow delving far deeper into attempts to communicate with her dead husband. Although many people today see these types of events as entirely mundane, there is still a rather large contingent who sees the act of communing with the dead as innately demonic.