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10 Factors That Affect The Chances Of Getting Pregnant In Women. 2

2. You are always stressed

When you are stressed, the stress hormone alpha-amylase is released which reduces your pregnancy chances by 29 per cent, and the risk of infertility is high in such case. Now this is going to be hard time if you have planned for getting conceived anytime soon. You may face problems at various place, stress being a common factor that bothers lot of working women that directly affect their health.

Practice yoga regularly, do meditation on a regular basis and have a track of it, you will really feel the difference and notice some internal changes in you, including feeling relieved and calm. You are the woman who wish to escape for peace, go pack your bag, make a trip and stay away for few days. Dr. Arredondo says, “Perceived stress can certainly alter hormone levels and ovulation. Stress itself is not bad, but when it is in excess—and when we react to it in a negative way—it can have all kinds of impact on our health and our bodies.” So, don’t be stressed all the time!