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10 Factors That Affect The Chances Of Getting Pregnant In Women. 4

5. Smoking

This goes without saying, but let’s say it anyway.

Smoking is dangerous for your health in so many ways, and one of them is this. First of all, it can drastically lower your chances of getting pregnant – it is the cause of up to 13% of all infertility cases, according to studies by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Smoking disrupts hormones and damages DNA in both men and women, so if your partner is a smoker, make him quit as well.

Also, if you do get pregnant and continue smoking, it can damage the developing fetus. Moreover, research has shown that even women who are exposed to secondhand smoking experience serious fertility issues. So, smokers, if you have decided to start a family, it is time to let this bad habit go.

6. Alcohol

Another one that is pretty obvious. There is no reason you can’t have a few glasses of wine a week, but doctors strongly advise against heavy drinking (which is more than one drink a day) while trying to conceive. A Swedish study in 2004 tracked 7,000 women for 18 years and found that those who drank the most also had the biggest fertility issues.Alcohol can also be very dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy – it can cause premature births and other problems.